Sunday, October 5, 2008


I’ve decided to name my generation the Point-and-Click Generation. We are the first generation that has to worry constantly about the newest cell phones, digital cameras, and mp3 players that come out, furiously browsing through pages of products in the web. Not only has having the coolest laptop become an important, but also being able to do everything on your computer is ideal. We shop, go to the bank, order food, communicate, entertain and inform ourselves all by using the internet. Our generation has become an entity that relies on technology more than any other before us, which I think has earned us the title of the Point-and-Click Generation. Word Count: 109


Shannon said...

I really like the name you came up with for our generation. I agree that we rely on technology to do everything. However, with the development of things like the iphone and blackberry, I think that more recently, the ideal has become being able to do everything on your cell phone rather than your computer.

TSGrey said...

I agree with Shannon, it has become ideal to use your phone versus your computer. I also find it interesting how this is the 3rd blog I've read using our desire for technology as the subject. While I agree we have become obsessed with technology, I also think that is what sets us apart from other species and place. Slowing down our technology is not going to change anything, people will still find a way to dissociate themselves from society.

Adrian said...

I 100% agree with you that we just sit at our computer and click on items that we wish to purchase. I would kind say that just show how lazy we became. That exactly what drives our parents insane.