Monday, November 3, 2008

An Ideal Career

I’ve never been one to get really excited about “what I want to be when I grow up.” It’s taken me most of my life to get to the point where I am now. I’d most like to work in a media-related field, like radio, television, or something similar. I’m not looking to work a job that requires a lot of sitting around in an office setting. I would like to be able to do different things every day at work and to truly enjoy my job, something I’ve noticed a lot of people are missing.

I think this says that I value simple happiness more than I value getting ahead in this world. My ideal job does not revolve around making as much money as I possibly can; instead it must be a job that I would not dread showing up for every day. My American dream is a very personal one. I just want to find something I love to do and do it, and then figure out the rest of my life.

Word Count: 175


Chris Eller said...

I agree totally. I also don't know exactly what I want to be, only that I want to enjoying doing it and enjoyment matters much more than money.

Mindy said...

Your American dream is very similiar to my own. I agree whole-heartedly in doing something you love to do. I know many people who are making alot of money, but are they really happy? I think its important to live your life to the fullest, you don't want to grow old and regret not doing something.