Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who am I? What does America mean to me?

My name is Susannah Parker, I'm 21 years old and I transferrred to UMBC last fall. I went to a private high school in Washington, DC and from there the University of Wisconsin in Madison, WI, but had some trouble getting my act together and after a year and a half came home again. I decided to go to Montgomery College while I figured out what I wanted to do about the rest of my college career, and eventually decided staying closer to home would probably be for the best, which is how I ended up at UMBC.

I have one younger brother who is just starting high school at St. John's in NW Washington, DC, and a fat Russian Blue cat named Slate (a.k.a. Slater). I lived on campus last year, but this year am living at home and commuting the half hour to 45 minutes it takes to get to campus from the College Park area. I'm double majoring in American Studies and MCS, and should (hopefully) be graduating by next summer.

To me, America means any variety of things, but if I were to try to put it into words, this is what I'd say: America is a melting pot of all different races and ethnicities; it is a place where individuality is valued and we are free to choose who we want to be. America means access to an abundance of opportunities, and the possibility for anyone who has the drive and determination to make something more of themselves. I might not always believe in America as a country, but I believe in the power of the American people to, if necessary, make changes for the better.


Marcos said...

I definitely agree with your points on how America is a melting pot. Im from New York and it feels like every single country is represented there. Which is great because you learn so much about other people and there cultures.

Brad said...

I feel your pain with the commute but I also agree that america means diversity and is a melting pot of cultures.